My story

I’m a personal trainer and coach to both online and in-person clients and athletes, and have been since 2018. Before I get into that, let’s rewind to 2015. My brother had just introduced me to the gym, and with little experience in sports or exercise, it was all very overwhelming. My main goal was body focused. I wanted to “look lean” and “toned” which at that time, came with the toxic mindset of thinking I needed to shrink my body, focus on calorie burn and stick to light weight cardio circuits. Of course, after trial and error and lots of education, I know that to be a meaningless route that would never have led to the body composition, mindset, performance and meaningful changes I see today.

Born and raised in England, U.K., I spent most of my life fascinated with science. I graduated University in 2017 with my Bachelor’s of Science with Honours, in Biomedical Science. By this point, however, strength training was a huge passion of mine, and I was beginning to feel called into a science career that involved human movement, rather than lab work. (The good news is that fitness and science truly go hand-in-hand and my knowledge of both fields continue to prove valuable!).

In late 2017, I moved across the world to California. I ‘put myself out there’, and attended a full time, in-person personal training course at the National Personal Training Institute. There I received a diploma for Personal Training, alongside my NASM CPT Certification. From then to now, I haven’t stopped learning. I have since achieved my NASM CNC (Certified Nutrition Coach) and PPSC (Pain Free Performance Specialist) certifications. More to come!

I love what I do. Teaching and educating others about fitness and movement comes with its challenges, which is why I’ve dedicated the last 5+ years to learning, application, and growing into the leader I am today. I’m lucky to experience coaching a wide variety of people; those training around injury, novices or experts in the weight room, or even former athletes looking to move well for a lifetime. To this day, I have successfully coached hundreds of women across the world. My passion for my role continues to grow as I experience countless “firsts”, “PR’s”, mental shifts, wins, setbacks and all of the in-between alongside women daily.

“I’m not just here to provide great programming and workouts. I’m here to help you understand movement, train for longevity and unleash your capabilities.”

My mission

For years, all I cared about was finding the quickest, easiest way to achieve my “body goals”. Social media is great, but unfortunately I circled around gimmicky programs and quick fixes that promised it all, but left me even more confused, unsatisfied and not in a great relationship with my body. I’d hop from 4 week plan to the next feeling unsatisfied when I didn’t achieve ‘x’. I wasted so much time obsessing over a single result, in the quickest time possible, that I missed out on what really provides long lasting satisfaction… my capabilities, skills and strength.

Here’s the thing, if too much pressure is put on a single end result, on ‘instant’ change, you become result driven. You’re motivated solely by experiencing big wins and become demotivated when progress is slower.

Big wins come and go, so to experience long term satisfaction and motivation, we must be method driven. This mental shift changed my whole life, and will change yours too. You’ll find joy and drive in showing up for all aspects of the process; the smallest of improvements, performance, struggles… all of it. The best part is that the rest (physical change, big wins, ‘results’) are simply a by-product of being method driven and staying the course through it all.

What was missing in the fitness industry? A long-game, method driven approach to training that is affordable and accessible for people from all walks of life. That’s why I created Strength Method. I know how many other women have those same goals I did on day 1 of the gym, and how many people struggle to really ever feel satisfied and proud of their bodies. So, to this day, though I love seeing and hearing about body composition changes, I know I will never have ‘transformation competitions’ or challenges, because that’s not what it’s all about. Our bodies change regardless of what we do, so let’s train smart, get strong, unleash our capabilities, and move well for life. Physique development is just a cherry on top.

The meaning is in the method.